A statewide conference for pro-life advocates and leaders designed to unite the pro-life community to discuss issues that affect life and families in Mississippi

Introducing the Speakers!

Mississippi AG Lynn Fitch is an effective pro-life leader for our state. Come to hear more about her work to empower women and promote life through the Empowerment Project.

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Individual tickets are $40 each. Claim your seat today!

Dena Espenscheid leads the Pro-Life Division for the Leadership Institute. Dena tours the nation teaching conservatives to lead their local area in pro-life policy and ministry. Her opening session answers the vital question: Why are we here? The existential pro-abortion threat to Mississippi.

Do you have questions about adoption? Anna Logan and Lauren Eddie with Lifeline Children's Services can help you.

Anna joined the Lifeline team as a Pregnancy Counselor in September of 2023. She works directly with women facing unexpected pregnancies to educate them on their pregnancy options and provide support for them however they desire.

What are the options for adoption in Mississippi?

Pregnancy Centers Panel Session

This amazing group of executive directors of Mississippi pregnancy resource centers will share their challenges and their victories as they empower women and families to choose life. Each panelist represents organizations from different areas of Mississippi. Get tips and ideas on ways you can help your local Mississippi pregnancy center directly from the experts.

Nathan Fatal is the Director of Community Organizing at the Leadership Institute. He has overseen hundreds of volunteers and political campaign staff across the United States and has trained over 10,000 activists globally. He led the charge on lawsuits and legislation which protected the freedom of speech and expression at 76 American universities.

The Volunteer Army Builder Workshop equips activists, organizers, issue groups, and campaigns at every level to quickly increase their impact locally while building a long-term volunteer base. This training is intended for locally-focused activists, with an emphasis on volunteer and membership recruitment that can be applied to campaign, neighborhood, and campus operations. All activities are designed to produce immediate results and breakthroughs for those who participate fully.

Brittany Sherman is the Executive Director of Choices Clinic in Laurel, MS. Brittany will break down the complex issues surrounding the abortion pill. Over half of all abortions performed in the US are done by using the abortion pill Mifepristone. In Mississippi, women are ordering the pills online and having them illegally shipped to their homes through websites funded by abortion extremist groups. The FDA says these pills are safe and effective, but are they?

Sheila Harper and her husband Jack lead SaveOne ministries that guides individuals through a healing journey after an abortion experience.

After many years of emotional pain and turmoil following her abortion experience, Sheila joined a local abortion recovery study. Meeting God through that study, in a way she had never known, compelled her to immediately start teaching the class. She wanted men and women who were suffering after abortion to know and experience the same forgiveness and freedom she was experiencing. Finally in the year 2000, God started showing her the need for SaveOne-an abortion recovery ministry. Sheila sees God take her most regrettable mistake and turn it around to help others find freedom through truth.

SaveOne now helps men, women, and families recover after abortion. Sheila's first book, "SaveOne-A Guide to Emotional Healing after Abortion" is for women to work through the aftermath. Shortly after God led her to write "SaveOne-The Men's Study". Then came "SaveOne- The Ripple Effect" for friends and loved ones who grieve an abortion close to them. All three of these studies mirror each other so all three can be in the same class. SaveOne has over 300 chapters in 25 countries.

Erika Porter is the Outreach Manager with Embrace Grace where she connects churches with pregnancy help centers to serve mothers and fathers in their local community. During her time as a professional in the telecommunications industry, she developed a passion for bringing people together. After volunteering with Embrace Grace, Erika fell in love with the mission and vision. In December 2020, she accepted a position with Embrace Grace and is now their Outreach Manager. 

Jerry Sharp III is the deputy director of the pro-life division for the Leadership Institute. Jerry became involved with the Pro-Life movement during his last semester of college. He received training from Students for Life of America, as a student lobbyist and advocated for legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities from the state's Medicaid program. Later he was brought on by the premier statewide pro-life organization, Texas Alliance for Life, as a pro-life lobbyist, where he helped with efforts to pass their Human Life Protection Act, which protected life from the moment of conception shortly after Roe v Wade was reversed after the Dobbs decision. Most recently, he relocated to San Francisco, California with his loving and supportive wife, Melanie, their baby in the womb, and their dog, Manolo.

Jerry will share some key insights into pro-life activism in the closing session of the Mississippi Life Summit.

"One person, with the courage of his or her conviction, can change the course of human history. One small group of people with biblical convictions, can make a difference. "

– Dr. Allen D. Unruh, in We Choose Life